Sunday, December 13, 2009

ooops~ Update

I found it in the Deaf Olympic Game in Taipei.

work for 5 month
study less English for 4 month
apply US and EU graduate schools now( already finish 3 schools)
drive cars more safely now
the eyes become weak...

Expect get more patient and be persisted

I just do not get some new idea recently... or I lose some power to observe my life...

Monday, August 31, 2009

大台北潛水 NTD 7000!


便宜 會游泳 NTD 7000
練習次數多 想去幾次就去幾次


Saturday, August 08, 2009

Aug 8th precipitated

中南部暴雨!Morak Typhoon At Father's day in 2009.

Aug 8th precipitated

*自6日0時至8日22時止出現較大累積雨量如下:屏東縣尾寮山2104毫米、高雄縣御油山1708毫米、嘉義縣馬頭山1658毫米、台南縣曾文1341毫米、雲林縣草嶺1164毫米、台東縣土阪1144毫米、南投縣望鄉933毫米、宜蘭縣太平789毫米、苗栗縣泰安788毫米、高雄市712毫米、 新竹縣鳥嘴山653毫米、台南市616毫米、桃園縣巴陵565毫米、台中縣雪嶺532毫米、台北縣四堵454毫米、台北市竹子湖454毫米、花蓮縣大禹嶺389毫米。



Sunday, August 02, 2009

Great HOT Summer

This summer is really hot. Not only in the day time but also at NIGHT.

Give me a cool summer please.

Sunday, July 26, 2009



Crazy! You know.




Wednesday, July 22, 2009

寶島曼波 - 921紀錄片


紀錄片是環保局在2009年提供線上觀賞的服務(現在這個服務好像停止了),放上將近二十片的免費電影在中華電信 HiChannal 電影,電影包括企鵝寶貝、蝴蝶、寶島曼波、種樹的男人等等,幾乎每部電影都不錯,但是,但是,為什麼政府部門做事都要讓人加但書抱怨一下呢?當我看的正津津有味,意外片子終止。原本片長兩個半小時的片子,竟然就停在八十三分鐘,原本以為可能是中華電信的問題,請中華電信的小姐幫忙查,結果得到的回應竟然試片商只提供一半的內容…我該說些什麼呢?打電話去和環保局抱怨嗎?查了其他幾部片子,沒有遇到這樣的狀況,到底中間過程是怎麼回事?環保局部能做事這麼粗糙吧!


一、感謝 台端對環境的關心,有關「EPA環保頻道」影片,為應大量民眾收視需求,同時開放多台伺服器,以供民眾隨意點選收視,對於台端收看「寶島曼波」影片,無法完整播放乙事,經廠商多日追查原因,發現其中一台伺服器投遞之「寶島曼波」影片檔案,有部分受到損壞,以致無法完整播放,已於98年7月3日請合作廠商更換新檔案,該影片全數檔案,皆已恢復完整收看。
二、為避免類似情況再發生,已責成廠商負起監播責任,以確保民眾收視品質,對廠商客服單位不當回覆 台端之客訴問題,已請廠商所屬單位,追究責任,並依規定進行懲處,造成台端之困擾,敬請見諒!後續將要求廠商客服單位,加強「EPA環保頻道」之技術及知識等教育訓練。


*7/22 update

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Home Project

Have you ever see a movie with so much beautiful scenery from the world? Here is the best choice, Home Project on YouTube. It is 100% free and also worth to watch it. Not only because the wonderful video chips but also the real record of the earth. The director tells the story about Earth from the birth to now, what people have done on it. We build cities, big farms, and anything. So what we want to give out next generation?


Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Better Place with Electric Cars

Better Place
Agassi at Yokohama

Speech in Tokyo
Part 3

Part 4

How it works

How to utilize a car with the battery. The video shows how the charged battery station works. They claim the time of the exchange battery is faster than traditional gas or oil station, and it spends about 70 seconds. There is no worry about when it rains or not because you use oil which is more easy to burn in the city than battery.

The car company if they set a standard of the form of battery. Then it would promote this event to be true faster.

You can buy kilometer per charge or monthly fee. You would buy the car but not battery. I am curious if I drove to some place without chargers, how the company help me?

An other question, if you tell me the new device help us live without oil, you live with batteries...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Saturday Night in Nation Palace Museum

3DSC_1506-National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 台北故宮博物院-建築-文化

圖/ flickr 共享














It is a great place, National Palace Museum, especially on Saturday night. They offer the free music concert, fee entrance fee after 1700, and excellent art performance. Last weekend I went there and stayed to 2200!

No doubt, National Palace Museum is the perfect place where I can realize my own culture. Every time when I have a choice to visit a unfamiliar nation or country, I must visit there museum. I like to discover the culture difference between others and my home town. I love the sculptures in destiny of Chin and Han. These wonderful antiquities have great dedication on the surface which I like so much.

The music concerts are also great! They call them, when Young meet antiquities. Not only the performers are so professional, but also they pick up great songs. I enjoy that moment a lot.

Why not plan to visit there on this weekend? This is the most important reason why I write this article! Cheers.

Friday, March 27, 2009

SMC skype phone


SMC SkyPhone
This is a skype phone which is very easy to use. After setting the account and wireless router, open it and it works.(You don't need to open your computer.) However, even it awards a IF award in 2006. I do not agree it is a good skype phone, even more I will not advice you to buy it. Here is some disadvantages:
  1. The battery is only used about 7 hours based on my experience. 很耗電,使用約七小時就需要充電
  2. Skyphone is FAT... 手機很大隻
  3. You can not adjust the font size. The older can not see the word easily.字體太小不可以改
  4. There is fast button to call a specific contact. (You can set contacts with 1XXX, 2OOO, and 3ooo.)沒有快速鍵
  5. If your ph0ne has some problem, it takes 2 weeks to fix it. It is so long... Also, after using it for 7 days, the 4 button become insensitive and hard to press. 修理的工作天是兩週。
  6. You can not search the contact list. 沒有通訊錄的搜尋功能
  7. The operation system is slow. When I want to check my call out list, I have to wait for 5 sec. 系統很慢,查播出紀錄需要等五秒

Thursday, March 26, 2009



I bought a wireless router, Fon. It is a Wi-Fly sharing plan from Spain. It wants to set up a wi-fly with public power! I am facinate with it for many years because it is set up by the local people and I think it will use less power and more flexible power usage than the government set up. At the same time, if you have a fon, you can use the Fon in the world. It is WORTHY, even it is popular in Europe.

At first, I was hesitated if I really want to buy fon because the device seemed hard to set up. In fact, it is very east to set up. It contains two signal, Fon_ and MyPlace_. Fon_ is for public. You can set the speed and your friend to use it.

Fon Advantage:
Share spirit
Local built
Good and stable signal

If you are considering to buy a wireless router, I recommend Fon. ^ ^

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Best job in the world (大堡礁 保育員 )

This is a job in Queens Land, Australia. The salary is really high and the welfare is good, too. They offer a comfortable place to leave, short working time and the best opportunity to be close the coral roof.

To see different people to show themselves in videos is a good experience. Everyone expresses their passion and love on nature. I like this idea!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

DavisCup - 2009 TPI vs IND on March 8th


Quality of mind is important! A good training should tell the player how to control their mind to win the game. Especially, at the game point or in the negative situation they have to overcome the struggling in mind! In the competition, the skill is similar but the key is in mental.

To encourage myself when face the big pressure I still know my limitation and overcome the bottleneck.

cop14 氣候變遷會議參與分享




1.Reduce Tropical Deforestation REDD


林子堯 清大學生



YET 青年環境智庫 氣候變遷會議分享會

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

游泳新發現 - New Discovery during the swim

憋氣 吐吶方法(一位伯伯和日本選手學習心得)
The new breathing way
Let the air stay in mouth then EAT them to the lung again and again. This method can prolong the time in the water.

Backstroke Hint
1. Let the right and left shoulder in the same position between the switch.
2. Feel the water through your body and slow down.
3. Look at the line to understand the depth in the swim pool.

Free style
1. Follow the tempo, two kick and one paddle with hand. Make sure each action powerful.
2. Extend the breath volume, paddle 5 times then change the air.

Image a knife in the water in no resistance. Become a knife.


Friday, February 27, 2009


Once lyrics
Last year, my best friend told me this web site, which allows reader to listen all their movie soundtracks on-line. Falling slowly won the best song in Oscars in 2008.

"Not only for us, but for all other independent musicians and artists that spend most of their time struggling. The fact that we're standing here tonight, it's just to prove no matter how far out your dreams are, it's possible." said Irglova, who is an independent musician and the main character in this movie. This also a good example for people who are pursuing their dreams.

I do love "Leave" because the power from the singer in the end of the song and also the touch lyrics.

"Leave, leave,
Let go of my hand
You said what you have to now
Leave, leave..."

Once in Time,

Mac 『ㄉㄨㄤ』開機音效

There is a loud sound after pressing the start press.
Here is a software made by a Japanese to adjust this sound effect!
Thanks! It is really annoying me, especially in classes and meetings.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

大陸 眼保操




Sunday, February 22, 2009

Google map - Draw a route to communicate from Keelung to Taipei

台北單車通勤共筆地圖 in Bike Smiling
地圖 in google map

View Larger Mapsmall>
My route

How to plug from getting direction page into your map
Design a map with the latitude

Join Bike Smiling Activities

Bike Smiling

Today I was extremely expected to attend this activities! This bike activities's spirit is based on the critical mass, which means the largest volume of the bikes on the road. If the road is full of the bikes, car drivers, government, and any one will know there is a huge group on the road and their right of the road can not be neglected.

The sponsor set a check list today. We would ride pass a circle, a shop, a road, a station, and a park to exam its bike friendly degree in this whole year.

Dunhua Road bike path under construction
1. 敦化南北路
I love this road full of trees and there will be a bike route very soon! But we found there are some cars parked on the bike lane. Sign~ This is the intermediate. I am so curious about what the other two problems.
a. There will be lots of cars on the road after the elementary schools(敦化國小,復興國小). How to deal with the conflict between the cars parking on the bike route and the cyclist riding on the route at the same time.
b. The design of bus stop is not good base on my view point. The cyclists have to stop behind the bus and after the bus leave then we can pass bus station. Why not design a special path behind the stop? I really can not understand...

We ride 5 times on this circle! Crazy! Each circle we have to stop for 4 times and to protect our lungs we will stop in front of the scooters. Sorry! But there are really more and more people ride on the road.

Too much bikes but not enough parking space!

Friendly. If you are not buy your bike there, this shop will still do their best to help you.

Their is a tap in this park but some trees are moved to here and they are tall without much leaves.

In the end, next time 3/22 台北巨蛋廣場(under the huge screen), see you soon!

1. 2009.03.16 Photos from David

Friday, February 13, 2009

Heart Breaking Day

Today I make a decision not to apply industrial ecology program in Leiden, It is so hard to me to make this decision. This is a great graduated program hold by three famous university in Netherlands, Leiden, Delft, and Eramus. Some Professors are the world-leading researchers. Also, Netherlands government takes actions to face the sustainable issues, which means there will be lots of projects to achieve their goals. The companies response to these, too. These are the reasons for me to apply. However, when I consider about the finance part, the monthly spend needs NTD 34000 and tuition fee is NTD 76,0000 per year. If I apply it, I have to think how to deal with NTD 200,0000. I have check the scholorships but it is rare and really hard to apply.

Every time when I think it takes so much money to study abroad, I would become frustrate. Today I also tell the professors not to write the recommendations. I am so shame... Why am I not to consider clearly then ask them to do that?


But it is useless to be gloomy.

I will be concentrated on memorizing the GRE words again tomorrow.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Keelung Public Library

It has been a long time not to go to the public library in Keelung city. Today my cousin and I went there and applyed for the borrow card. I taught her how to apply it and how to borrow a book which is already known its names. I think she love to read but without a good environment and encouragement. There are good seriers of books about the differet country in the world with comic. I recommended her to read them. I hope she will like them.

I also borrow some book about Netherlands, which is a really open mind country. You can see sundry races, different countries' food, and the innovation ideas. Cradle to cradle is a pouplar new word there. Netherlands has less land and resources. They have to deal environmental issues with effective ways. If the waste can be the nutrition of the new product, what a wonderful dream about C2C! Also there are some good groups focus on bicycle's issue, such as communicate system, cyclist's right and bicycle culture. If I have money and time, I must want to stay there for a longer travel.

Monday, February 02, 2009

What will you do when I feel frustrated?

I felt frustrated in these days because I lost my goal and I do not have enough faith to prepare study abroad. It bothers my so many times. I forgot the ways I used to overcome this blue mood.

"Is this really hard for me? In a life-long scale, this is only one bottleneck of it! This is nothing only if you can not insist on it. Do not say impossible. Try it, and leave something after hard working. Work as much as I think."

"If tomorrow is the end of the world, should I still be blue?"

"Hay! What do I have? Good friends and family. Cherish!"

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Environmental management

Today my aunt told me I could post my dream about the environmental management on the Internet, maybe one day someone can have the interaction with me, and also I can practice my poor writing in English.

What I want to learn is the environmental management, especially on the industrial ecology part and landscape design.

What I know about the industrial ecology contains life cycle analysis(LCA), green chemistry, cradle to cradle(C2C) and clean production. LCA is the tool to analysis the product or target to understand from the beginning to the end of it. Calculate the procedure's effect on the environment, such as energy consume, or carbon dioxide production. Green chemistry, C2C and clean production are the environmental friendly ways of the production.

Landscape design is my interested, too. Based on my experience to communicate in Taipei city. The good transportation is really important for citizens. To provide a stable and efficient public transportation can reduce the cars and scooters usage. Also I am interested on the decision of the landscape development. Environmental system analysis tools can provide a rational indicator for the police. Such as the decision of East High Way, 湖山水庫, 國光石化 and lots of development are base on the environmental effect reports, which provide qualitative not the quantitative information.

This is my beginning of English article. I will try my best to improve my writing and tell more stories in English and any suggestions and comment are welcome!

Tomorrow is the first work day after the Chinese new year. I will start on my GRE preparation and keep find the jobs.^^

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Travel Cheque

American Express Travel Cheque

Exchange to Cheque
It is very easy to change into cheque with NTD.
Bring your ID and money, or pay during the internet.
The best way buy it in the Taiwan Bank(台灣銀行), and it is very convinent to change back to NTD again.

Exchange to NTD
It is hard!

Best way bring your cheque to the bank you bought it. The bank will transfer your money into your account! Yes, it means you need an account in the bank!

Before buying cheque, you have better to think twice!