Saturday, September 25, 2010

[SSPM] 9/23 SES example and explain the adaptive status

Q: Think up a SES in which you are an active part and which has a public good character. Describe the different elements as defined by Ostrom. Also define the stage of the adaptive cycle in which the SES currently is in.

In order to answer the questions, I would recall some notes from the courses.
Figure of Social Ecological System
1. Social-ecological systems (SES) : The system includes four sub-levels (resources units, resources system, governance system, and user), outside settings (social, economic, and political settings), and related ecosystems.
Figure of the adaptive cycle
2. Adaptive cycle: it can be defined in four stages - conservation, release, reorganization, and growth. Good explain from Video
Def. connectedness/control : the degree of system to control itself and the resistance to external variation
Def. capital/potential/wealth : the ecological, social, economic capitals

Example of the adaptive cycle: The succession of a forest:
r -> k
Individual species and the diversity of species would increase. ( Population of species increase -> capital up; diversity increase -> connectedness decrease)
k -> Omega
The limitation factor limited grow and reduce the capacity, ex the forest is burning, or the forest is infected by the virus. (the population decrease - capital down; diversity of species still stay in a situation - connectedness keeps the same)
Omega -> Alpha
Species start to find their way to adapt new environment. (diversity would decrease due to the species, which can not adopt the environmental change - connectedness decrease; total population would grow - capita increase)
Alpha -> r
Connect to previous stage, some species would find the way to survive. Some would be died. Diversity keep the same. After the system is stable the connectedness and capital would start to grow up again. (Population down)

Case study – Shimen Reservoir Management:
The case I chose is the management of the Shimen Reservoir in Taiwan. The reservoir is located in the remote mountain with the high biodiversity. These place is original owned by the aboriginal, and until now some of them still live there.
In 2004 the strong typhoon destroyed Taiwan, the total participate in three days were above 1700 mm. The soil can not absorb the significant amount of water, and go with the rain into the dam. The slurry flowed into the dam made the waterworkrs could not deal with the water. Citizens in the downstream can not get clean water for half month. Therefore, government started a plan to prevent the same story happen. The water management agent, who is responsible for the reservoir, considered to build more small dams in the mountain would be an effective solution.
Before starting Industrial Ecology program, I worked in the ecological consultant and checked the ecological effect when they planned to build the small dams. My company collected and analyzed the ecological information in the reservoir area for the government. I played a observation role in this SES.

Define the actors:
Governance system: related government agents, ex Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Water Resource Agent, local government, and Forestry Bureau
User: people live in the reservoir, tourists, and construction companies
Resource system: mountains in the reservoirs
Resource units: water, plants, and animals in this mountains

Before the government paid attention on the reservoir (2004), people burned or cut the forest to culture the tea or bamboo. Although there were some laws to restrict these activities, the monitor agent did not practice its duty well. When the forest disappeared the habitat for the creatures was also gone. At that time the number of the rare animals and plants kept decreasing. At this moment, the ecosystem at in the k -> Omega phase due to losing the richness in the mountain.
After 2004 Government restricted the development in the mountain so people can not burn the forest. At the same time, the forest agent retrieved the land from the local in the reservoir. The strategies were successful for the ecological system because the populations for the rare species increased. The ecosystem is at the r -> k phase.

Ostrom, E. (2009). A general framework for analyzing the sustainability of social-ecological systems, Science 325, 419-422.

Friday, September 10, 2010

[ SSPM ] Introduction on this tag!

This tag, social systems - policy and management (SSPM), is for the course on industrial ecology. I would try to note my observation and the homework with this tag! It would be very welcome to give me the feedback. ^ ________ ^

[ SSPM ] 9/9/2010 Questions + introduction

Q1. 1st impression on social science on industrial ecology, how to relate with earlier experiences? And introduce my self with post card.
Social science is an other tool to see how industrial ecology work in human society. I expect in this perspective I can observe more detail interaction between the activities in this field. The tools would be mechanisms and frameworks, which are the knowledge that I seldom or never study before. I would try to read all the reference and pay attention on my understanding.

My previous background is Agriculture Chemistry, which is more related to chemistry and biology. I have also work in the ecological consultant firm. During the work period, I realized many decision causes lots of problems and conflicts in Taiwan. Such as there is no enough lands for the industrial development. Government take strongly the productive farm or high biodiversity area for industries. There are many mechanisms in social science to look at these issues. I expect I could explain them and try to give some alternative suggestions.

My postcard is a handsome chicken. I like this one because it is like a simple to tell societies to implement industrial ecology thoughts. I would like to be the one of this chicken with my classmates.

Q2. IE - inspired puzzles and three perspective explanations
Puzzles : I am always face the problems of Netherlands rail train was delayed 15 mins. I always think what is going on.
1. Weather : The season is fall. Too much leaves lay on the switch so it can not work well. (Or the snow can cause the same problem.)
2. Rush hour : Too many people are in the train so it takes more time for entering and leaving the train in the stations.
3. Machines : Some engine problems are in the train so it can not speed up. (Or any other mechanical problems.)
4. Human troubles : The driver's watch delayed for 15 mins.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bike Lane in Netherlands 荷蘭 單車道觀察 - 1 (fietspad in NL)


荷蘭單車專用道觀察 - 1 (fietspad in NL)


1. 線上規劃路線系統,以號碼作為記號,像是藏寶圖告訴使用者,下一個寶藏要到哪裡找


2. 不同類型的單車道混搭(我覺得有因地制宜的趨勢),需要專用道通常是在轉彎或是高速通勤的單車道。市區車速不快,所以單車道則是在轉彎處多,有特別的左轉道。


3. 單車道上指標系統清楚,至少我可以沿著單車道走上二十公里,在不會荷蘭文的狀況下還不會迷路

4. 路面平穩:我所遇到的鋪面,在住宅區內的單車道,因為需要降低車速,不少都是使用磚塊,讓駕駛開在顛坡的路上降低速度,對單車也有同樣的效果。

5. 沒有大型障礙物阻擋在單車道上,推測因為沒有太多的機車。臺灣單車道上路障主要擋的是機車,這裡機車與單車視為同一類,路障也就小了。

6. 多數通勤單車道與火車鐵軌或是重要省道平行,就跨城市通勤是很方便,也不容易迷路另外這裡真的很平,騎起來算是很順,會影響騎乘的因素就是逆風大雨的障礙。回頭看家鄉,沿著基隆河也有一段很平的單車道合適通勤,大約三十公里可以往返台北基隆市區,風景也是超棒,障礙就是地形起伏。


7. 單車道沿途景色,有些在古城、住宅區、農場旁邊、高速公路旁的豪宅(因為部份公路低於住宅區,噪音干擾少)


8. 部份地區有單車專用號置,不過還沒有確定和行人的號誌到底差在哪裡呢??室友德國人的見解是單車號誌優先,單車起步快有很大的彈性與自由可以決定要怎麼走,再來是起步速度慢的行人號誌

9. 單車道、汽車專用道、公車道混用


10. 沒有車輛優先順序,不是汽車優先,而以"車道"優先順序為準:例如A車道上面的直行車有絕對優先權,就算是單車是直行車,要轉彎的汽車也要停下來等

11. 汽車對於行人非常尊重,對於單車則是像一般的汽車一樣摟,該遵守的還是要
