The goal of this class is to help students understand how to analyze and interpret data. Develop the ability to predict the possible outcome by observing the behavior of the database. Traditional programming class is only interested in how to write a good program, instead of emphasizing how to think as the computer and manipulate the computer work properly. The final exam is a good example to show achievement of this goal. The instructor gave students toy frogs, which can jump consecutively in the same position. The question was to draw and explain the possible mechanical design of the frog. In order sessions the instructor will periodically reward students with visual challenges. Students are to interpret the possible system and predict the behavior represented by the data. These brainstorming challenges help us observe the system and give our own explanation.
Lesson Learned
In order to understand behavior of the system, the learning of the procedure to build model from the original data with existing software is necessary. (see Graph I) First, Filter the data from the complex information. Due to the lack of structure of the original data, it is hard to use original data for calculation. AWK is a simple but powerful software that can deal with this issue. It can also search using pattern tool and has the capability to rearrange the data. Second, Calculate the data. Two software are introduced in this step, SQLite and Octave. SQLite can cope with basic problems. Octave, like Metlab, can calculate the complex matrix. Third, Plot the calculated data. GNplot is a clear software for plotting scientific data, not like Excel which is heavy with lots of unused information during the calculation. The attention to details for presenting the findings using GNplot was especially important. Lastly, Netlogo is a well-designed software to stimulate the behavior of the models.
Graph 1: The procedure to build the model
Ruben Huele(Instructor)
final presentation
The final presentation is to analyze the data from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The data contains the complete green house gas emission from different sectors in Europe countries, and the time of the data is from 1900 to 2008. Our goal is to find some strange problems from the data, like the abrupt drop in the sector, and the conversion factor (global warming potential) effected on the total emission. The judges for the final presentation are composed of the professors from the Industrial Ecology and the researchers from the consultant company. Most of the students do not have the experience for writing the program, and worried about this assignment. However, the professor significantly motivated students. He discusses with the students to adjust the way of teaching and optimized the benefit for the education. In the end of the class, students find some valuable results and are not afraid of writing program anymore. The researchers bring these results back to the company and discussed with colleagues.
The findings from the IE students (The complete result is constructed by the professor.)
My research is about the emission of the chemical industry in Ireland. The green house gas (GHG) suddenly dropped down to zero in 2003. After intensive research, I found the explanation of the investigation report from the Ireland government. The chemical industry is defined for the agriculture related chemical factories, such as the factories for the ammonia. The government owned both factories, and due to the economic difficulties they closed down in 2003. All the fertilizer had to be imported from other counties.
Another interested finding is the UNFCCC data itself: 14% of the data is zero, and significant amount of data is confidential.
The analysis of the carbon capture by the forest with the two criteria.
Link: .
It is a very good start for the programming. I know how to start the analysis from a chaos data, and analyze the possible key questions. I can present the finding clearly with the graph. In addition, I relate to passion of the practical issues from the professor. I expect my thesis will also follow current real issues.
為了從資料看出系統行為,從拿到資料到建立模型有一連串的程續(如下圖),老師所教的就是資料處理的概念與軟體的使用。首先是從繁雜的資訊過濾出需要的資料,通常向外界所取得的資訊並無均一的規則或是不必要的資訊太多,無法直接套用到已經建立的系統,AWK是一套單純好用的軟體,可以利用搜尋的 pattern指令,找出需要的資訊,或是重新安排資料的排列規則;下一步是將有規則的資訊做運算,課堂上主要使用SQLite,另外稍微提到 Octave能夠處理複雜運算(相當於MetLab);最後是將運算後的結果繪製成圖表,我們使用GNplot,並且強調繪圖需要注意的細節。另外一套軟體 NetLogo,功能是將所得到的資料建立模型,進行系統行為的模擬。
期末報告是以United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)歐盟各國提供各行各業(sector)所產生溫室氣體排放量為基礎,資料時間包含從1990年到2008年,分析資料可能的有的問題或是現象,例如某國家的某產業的溫室氣體突然降為零是否提供假資料、不同溫室氣體的轉換係數(global warming potential)是否影響總量的統計。海報競賽是期末報告的形式,評分的成員包括系上教授與環境顧問公司的研究員。學期剛開始,許多人都沒有寫程式的經驗,對於期末要如何呈現更是一頭霧水,但是授課老師能夠鼓舞學生,課堂間也討論合適的教學方式與準備報告的問題,期末時同學對寫程式建立模型也不再感到害怕,最後報告同學發現許多值得注意的結果,部份題目也被顧問公司研究員帶回公司討論。
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